Condo Insurance in Texas
If you are a condo owner, it's crucial to have a condo insurance policy to protect you financially. Many risks come with owning a condo, which insurance will protect you against many of them. If you own a condo or are in the process of buying one in Texas, give us a call today at AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services in San Antonio, TX to find out more about condo insurance.
Protecting the Condo
The condo itself needs protection, and it gets this from condo insurance. The policy covers the portions of the building that you own. This may be everything up to the outside of the outer walls or everything up to the inner portion of the exterior walls. The outside of the building is owned by the condo board and is insured by them. If a major incident caused damage to the portion that you own, your condo policy would pay for the repairs it needs.
Protection for Your Belongings
Most, or even all, of what you own is likely inside your condo. Those things add up to a lot of money, and it would be costly to replace them all. That's why condo insurance covers those items as well. If an incident like certain disasters were to hit your condo, your policy would pay to replace the ruined or destroyed items.
Liability Protection
If someone were inside your condo and became insured there, you can be held liable for the medical costs of the injury. Your condo policy can pay that expense. With liability protection, you won't have to pay for someone else's medical expenses out of pocket.
Get Your Condo Policy
If you own a condo in Texas, you need to have condo insurance for it. To get started with a policy of your own, give us a call now at AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services in San Antonio, TX.