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AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Svcs Blog

Common Risks Homeowners Face

Owning your own home has long been a foundational part of the American dream. Homeownership comes with a distinct sense of pride and accomplishment. However, there are also certain risks as well. At AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services, serving San Antonio, TX, we make it our business to provide clients with reliable insurance information. Keep reading to learn about common risks homeowners face. 

Property Damage

The most common risk you will face as a homeowner is the risk of damage to your property. Your home or property can be damaged through fire, natural disasters, or even through burglary. If this happens, any repairs will come out of your pocket if you are not properly insured. If your home is lost through property damage, you and your family will be put in a very vulnerable position. Homeowners’ insurance policies are designed to protect you from these types of risks. 


Many homeowners don’t think of a liability as a risk of homeownership, but it is definitely something you want to consider. When you own a home, you are solely responsible for anything that happens on that property. If someone is injured at your home or on your property, you could be held liable for their medical expenses. You could even be held liable for legal expenses if someone chose to take legal action against you because of their injuries. 

The risk of liability is increased if you have people to your home on a regular basis, have a swimming pool, or participate in recreational activities that could be hazardous. Most homeowners’ policies will cover liability expenses if someone is injured at your home or on your property.

If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us at AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services, serving San Antonio, TX.