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AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Svcs Blog

Mobile Homes Vs. RVs: What’s the Difference?

Obtaining auto insurance for a car or a specialized vehicle like a motorcycle is a relatively straightforward process. However, insuring a mobile home can be a bit more complex. You might wonder if RV insurance would cover it. After all, aren’t mobile homes and RVs the same thing? While the terms "motor home" and "RV" are often used interchangeably, they are quite different in terms of their usage and the type of insurance required to cover them. Let’s delve into the differences between mobile homes and RVs and how AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services in San Antonio, TX can help you find the right coverage for your RV.

Understanding the Difference Between a Mobile Home and an RV

A mobile home is a dwelling that can be transported to a new location. Despite its mobility, it’s still a home designed for regular living with all the amenities of a traditional home and subject to the same regulations. On the other hand, an RV refers to any recreational vehicle, including ATVs and dirt bikes. RVs such as camper trailers can be driven or towed, but they are not designed to be placed in locations like a mobile home park as they can’t be set on a foundation. This is why RV insurance won’t cover a mobile home, and it’s crucial to understand this when seeking coverage.

Find the Right RV Insurance with AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services

We aim to simplify the insurance shopping experience, making it easier for you to find the right RV insurance for your vehicles. Compare quotes with us at AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services in San Antonio, TX!