If you are a new boat owner and haven’t been involved in an accident, it’s important to review your responsibilities if an incident occurs. The following guidelines will assist you with reporting the claim and restoring your boat and any affected property.
Understanding the Aftermath Of A Boating Accident
A boating accident can occur during inclement weather or when multiple boats are close to one another while being operated. The coast guard may initially prepare a report of what happened.
All boaters involved in an accident will be taken to shore. The boat owner is responsible for filing an insurance claim through their insurance agency. If damage to a boat or physical property is noticeable, it will need to be assessed during a routine inspection.
The damaged materials should remain intact. A boat owner may decide to photograph or video record the damage. This documentation may help a boat owner substantiate their insurance claim.
Understanding the Restoration Processes
If you file an accident insurance claim and it’s approved, you will be able to seek restoration processes. The approval of your claim will limit the amount of out-of-pocket costs that you will be faced with.
The funding that you receive can be used to restore the condition of your boat. Funding can also be used to repair damaged property during a boating accident.
Contact an Agent Who Serves San Antonio, TX
If you would like to acquire more information about boat insurance claims, contact one of our agents. At AlphaSure Affordable Insurance Services, we feature a wide range of boat protection products. An agent will provide you with solid advice about insurance and the insurance claims process.